167 La valeur de la loyauté...
L'efficacité des législations sur les alertes éthiques dépend, en grande partie, de la promotion et de la diffusion d'une culture de signalement. Si certains pays empruntent le chemin d'une...
167 La valeur de la loyauté...
L'efficacité des législations sur les alertes éthiques dépend, en grande partie, de la promotion et de la diffusion d'une culture de signalement. Si certains pays empruntent le chemin d'une...
192 Arbitrage et compliance : au coeur de la lutte contre la corruption en matière civile et commerciale
CHRISTIAN DARGHAM, avocat au Barreau de Paris, associé, Norton Rose Fullbright LLP JANICE FEIGHER, avocat au Barreau de Paris, Solicitor, qualified in England & Wales, Senior Associate, Norton Rose...
193 Étude de cas à travers le prisme des contrats d'intermédiaires
In recent years, several French and international conglomerates have interrupted payments owed to intermediaries whom they had used to penetrate foreign markets, in the wake of criminal investigations...
194 Les acteurs de la compliance entre indifférence et interdépendance
The fight against corruption involves a variety of actors. So long as criminal proceedings have not been initiated, each of these actors evolves in its own sphere, directed in its actions by its...
195 Les enjeux du droit de la preuve
Allegations of breach of compliance undertakings and/or of corruption have an impact on the rules traditionally applicable to issues of evidence. Such influence operates at various levels: access to...
196 Contrats, compliance et contentieux arbitral
The bolstering of the regulatory framework in the field of the fight against corruption has entailed a surge in the volume of litigation of disputes arising out of allegations of corruption/breach of...
197 Dispositifs de recueil des alertes : la nouvelle directive européenne va faire évoluer le modèle français
With the adoption of the Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, the European Union has recently adopted a framework that requires Member States to protect whistle-...
198The EU Directive on Whistle-Blowing and the Whistle-Blowers Protection
L’adoption, le 7 octobre dernier, d’une directive européenne sur les lanceurs d’alerte procède d’une volonté d’harmonisation d’un régime de protection au niveau européen. Le présent commentaire fait...
199 Les « piliers » de l'article 17 de la loi du 9 décembre 2016 consolidés par la décision du 4 juillet 2019 de la Commission des sanctions de l'Agence française anticorruption ?
Article 17 of the Law on Transparency, Fight against Corruption and Modernization of the Economy of 9 December 2016, refers to the 8 pillars of an anti-corruption compliance program that the...
200 La convention judiciaire d'intérêt public Google, ou comment la procédure pénale a sauvé une rectification fiscale
On September 3, 2019, Google entered into a double agreement to terminate the criminal proceedings and a tax readjustment procedure initiated against the group in France in exchange for a fine of...
201« Souriez, vous êtes filmés » serait-il devenu obsolète ?
The European Court of Human Rights has delivered a grand chamber judgment on October 17, 2019, in which it concluded that video-surveillance of employees, which led to their dismissal, was legitimate...
202 Rising Tide: The Board's Role in Oversight of Ethics & Compliance Programs
1. Context The days when the board of directors could claim the empty suit defense are gone. Recent scandals where boards claimed that they didn’t know simply don’t hold water with shareholders or...
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