120 About Diversity
When it comes to good governance, diversity is considered as a key component of performance but when it comes to defining diversity, there are multiple variables such as age, competencies, experience,...
120 About Diversity
When it comes to good governance, diversity is considered as a key component of performance but when it comes to defining diversity, there are multiple variables such as age, competencies, experience,...
147 Ethics and Compliance in a Pandemic Environment
La menace de la pandémie de Covid-19, de même que l’effondrement de l’économie mondiale, font naître de nouveaux risques pour toutes les entreprises. Les responsables éthiques et compliance doivent...
148 La confiscation sans condamnation aux prises avec le droit de l’Union européenne
Solution. - According to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the Framework Decision 2005/212/JHA on Confiscation of Crime-Related Proceeds, Instrumentalities and Property does not...
149 L’ambition européenne d’une IA éthique, durable et centrée sur l’humain
In a whitepaper released in February 2020, the European Commission presents the first orientations of the regulation it intends to propose to create an ecosystem of excellence and trust around AI in...
150 Corruption internationale : nouvelles orientations de la politique pénale française
On 2 June 2020, the French Government issued a new guidance to public prosecutors on investigating and prosecuting foreign corrupt practices. Relying on the PNF as leading prosecuting authority in...
151 Le Mapping anticorruption devient global
The French Anti-Corruption Agency, in partnership with the GRECO, the OECD, and the NCPA, recently published on its Website the analysis report of the global mapping of anticorruption authorities. The...
152 Loi Sapin 2 : la cour d’appel d’Angers se prononce sur le régime disciplinaire et sur la gestion des cadeaux
Solution. - One of France’s Court of Appeal has ruled that the dismissal of an employee for gross misconduct was justified after repeatedly accepting expensive gifts from a supplier in violation of...
Ou comment une acquisition de villa au Cap d’Antibes devient une condamnation pour complicité de fraude fiscale A new “public interest judicial agreement” has been set up for collusion in tax evasion,...
154 Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs: New Guidance from the DoJ
Kevin J. Harnisch, Head of Regulation, Investigations, Securities and Compliance, Norton Rose Fulbright (Washington DC) Keith M. Rosen, Head of Risk Advisory, Norton Rose Fulbright (Washington DC)...
155 Prévention de la corruption et engagement de l'instance dirigeante
Quelle mobilisation pour les instances dirigeantes des entreprises ou organisations soumises à l'obligation de mettre en place un dispositif de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption ? 1....
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